Tuesday, August 12, 2008


One large white goat with quite long horns. Likes to eat anything including the siding off of houses, the most expensive purchases from greenhouses, hair (especially blonde), and t-shirts.

If you see boy goatie, please send him home. Although he is useless and a pain in the neck, we love and miss him. Our dog tried to herd him and ended up chasing him into the woods - Oh, our useful animals :)

Edit: We found him! He was just as relieved as we were to be returned :) Thanks to Peggy for the use of her 4-wheeler to search the woods with!


Nic said...

oh that makes me so saddddd.

Anonymous said...

What??? Boy Goatie is missing!! This breaks my heart.

Anonymous said...

I would have sent out Girl Goatee to find him. Maybe she would find him and bring him home, or maybe both would be gone! Ummmmmm

The Labontes said...

Oooh, whoever anonymous is, I won't tell Dan that you are wishing away his goats. :)

Reveal yourself :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I made the comment. Dan - not that I don't like the big goats, it is just that I like Peanut much better! And the big goats are bullies to him.

Aunt Dawn

Anonymous said...

Dawn...I knew that was you (or Mike) right away!!! Glad he was found!

Aunt Ang

Julie & Patrick said...

I was all ready to join the search party. Any chance a goat could get all the way to Seattle in one afternoon?

Glad he is home, safe and sound!

Julie R

Jaime J. said...

I have been worried about him for days. Glad he was found.... but I agree with Aunt Dawn, they need to leave Peanut alone!!
