Sunday, March 2, 2008

Baby Bunnies

Maddie and Auri each have a bunny and they both live at my parents' house. We thought they were both girls. Here's proof that they aren't :)
We're bringing the third from the right (speckles) and one other one yet to be decided home with us when they are old enough.

Thank goodness Max is an animal guy. He loves the doggies and the bunnies, and the goats,
and. . .

Myles has a hard time with the concept of "gentle" so he just looks closely.

Maddie wants to name the other bunny we take home coupon. I'm not sure why, but that's my Maddie. (Her name preference will probably change tomorrow).

They are just too stinkin' cute. Ang, you've gotta come see these things!
The mother bunny is doing a very good job of feeding, cleaning, and taking care of her babies. And the father bunny already has a vet appointment :)


Anonymous said...

I want one!!!! I know Miranda will try to talk me into it!!! When were they born? They are so cute and I love the pic with Max in it and how Myles can only look! I can see him now trying to be gentle with them...can't see that happening! Hope you're all feeling better. See you soon,

Love, Aunt Ang

Julie & Patrick said...

Oh my gosh!!! They are so adorable. I have a soft spot for bunnies. I used to have two house trained bunnies. I love the photos of the kids with them. Myles having trouble being gently...what a riot!

Julie R

Peter and Nancy said...

Surprise!!! So this will be the first and LAST litter, hmm? Ha! The photos are so sweet -- I won't be showing this entry to Aaron and Nathan, or they'll be begging for bunnies. :o)
-- Nancy

Kristi W. said...

Cute bunnies!!! :) Cute kids!!!


Pam said...

Oh Kristy!
I haven't seen this post until today. Oh my gosh! We had over 20 rabbits at one time. (We knew we had boys & girls. ;o) LOL! Having bunnies is so much fun as a kid. Thank you for sharing this, it has brought back so many great memories for me!

Anonymous said...

I love the bunnies! I really really love the kiddos!! Adorable!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

AWW! That is SO cute!! When the mother had the babies did she have them inside the cage or something?? Please reply!! We have 2 bunnies to! And there both girls (I could be wrong) lol.

Anonymous said...

they are soooo cute!!!! they are the cutist little bunnies that i have ever seen