Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Madeline loves her critters. Doesn't matter what kind, what shape, how slimy or smelly. She loves them. Today she was able to bring our new baby chicks into her classroom. She chose three: a broiler, a laying hen, and a bantam. She did such a nice job telling her classmates about the differences, and she was so proud. I was a little proud too :)

Madeline and Mrs. Poat showing the chicks. Mrs. Poat is also a huge animal lover. Maddie will miss her next year.

Look at all those kids smiling! I love it.

The Pigs


Anonymous said...

Love the photos! Madeline looks so cute and proud. I'm glad she is also an animal lover!

Love to all,

Aunt Ang

Julie & Patrick said...

Love the animals too!!! What a fun show and tell!

Julie R

Fenwick 5 said...

Cute chicks,looks like your daughter is having a blast!:)

Peter and Nancy said...

I am retroactively jealous . . . wish I'd had chicks to take to school for show and tell! Super cute birthday pics, too. :o)

Our computer is severely ill, and it's replacement won't be here until the 21st, so my blog stalking is slightly behind the times.
-- Nancy

Nic said...

Gosh, Madeline is looking old... It's been to long since I've seen you guys. :(