Friday, January 18, 2008


Myles has decided that he will only wear Spiderman attire. He is constantly on the look out for "bad guys" and "ladies to save." Unfortunately his sister or brother usually end up being bad guys and getting beaten up. We never know when we are talking to Spiderman or if it is Myles. Good thing he's got those irresistable dimples and impetuous grin. I love this guy :)
By the way, he's never seen the Spiderman movies or cartoons. He saw the costume in a catalog this fall, and the obsession began.


Pam said...

With Micah, it's Elmo. He had one Elmo book, then all of a sudden, it was Elmo everything!! Too cute!

Peter and Nancy said...

We have the same obsession with Nathan . . . he's five now, and it began when he was three. Same story -- no movies, nothing, just the innate drive to be Spidey! Have fun watching his adventures . . .
-- Nancy

Julie & Patrick said...

Very cute! Well, I guess if one is have an obsession, a super hero is a pretty good place to start :)
